Become an Affiliate

What's required

To become an affiliate you must meet the following criteria.


Must have a physical establishment, and a well defined business nature.

Business Docs

Must have copy of all business documents.


Must have a minimum of 30 customers weekly.

Social Presence

Must have an existing online or social media presence.

Good Standing

Must be in good standing with the law and customers.


Affiliates pay a monthly fee which may vary depending on the nature of the business and the criteria above. Our monthly subscription for businesses starts at $250 USD; this enables them to have full access to the affiliate features that will help to manage and grow their business on PLUG. 

For further details on becoming an affiliate contact our sales team at or call 844-847-PLUG (7584).

When filling out the affiliate form, select the option for General Affiliate. Once the form is completed, submit to send for review and approval.

PLUG Affiliates

Here are a few of our affiliates, come and join the PLUG.